From 25 to 29 October 2021, the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) gathered thousands of participants from almost a hundred countries, including researchers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, campaigners and clean energy enthusiasts, in a dedicated virtual platform.
Continuar a lerTransport carriers can now register for access to EU IT systems to verify passengers’ short-stay visa/travel authorisation before transporting them to Schengen area
Partners in the SESAR 2020 Project PJ.10-W2 PROSA have confirmed the cost-efficiency gains offered by a solution to delegate ATM services within a virtual centre environment.
Continuar a lerEuropean Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
The new ‘Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy’, together with an Action Plan of 82 initiatives will guide our work for the next four years.
Continuar a lerPublic consultation launched for ‘A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a smart and sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe’
The initiative was announced in the ‘Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy’ and in the ’Action plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries’, which launched a ‘Drones Technologies Flagship’.
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