Shaping the future of pavement surface characteristics while accomplishing efficiency, safety, sustainability and meeting next generation mobility needs
SURF 2022 is the 9th event in the series of highly successful international symposiums on pavement surface characteristics, previously held in Australia (2018), USA (2012), Slovenia (2008), Canada (2004), France (2000), New Zealand (1996), Germany (1992) and USA (1988).
“As Chairman and Co-Chairman of this Symposium, we are delighted to welcome all of you to the 9th Symposium on Pavement Surface Characteristics, SURF 2022. Politecnico di Milano, the leading Italian Technical University in Engineering, Architecture and Design, is especially honored to be hosting this Symposium.
For the first time, the Italian company that manages National Roads (ANAS – Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group) and the World Road Association (PIARC), together with Politecnico di Milano are joining forces for a global event that aims at involving to involve people from all over the world.
The Symposium is directed not only towards the academic environment, and researchers in general, but is also pertinent to managers, practitioners, companies, authorities, associations, engineers, and technicians dealing with everyday tasks and responsibilities related to transport infrastructures. The topics of the Symposium will mainly deal with data monitoring and performance assessment, innovation in asset management to meet next generation mobility needs, economic and political strategies, life-cycle cost analysis and assessment, safety and risk issues, sustainability issues (noise, vibration, pollution, fuel consumption, etc.), surface layer design, maintenance and preservation treatments, as well as materials and design.
SURF 2022 program will include plenary sessions, concurrent technical sessions, poster sessions, workshops, tutorials, roundtables, and lectures by worldwide experts.
The main Scope of SURF 2022 is to improve the quality of pavement surface characteristics while accomplishing efficiency, safety, sustainability, new generation mobility needs, as well as users, managers and social expectations. For this reason, all participants can be actively involved in discussions, workshops, and roundtables to improve their knowledge and to take the know-how back to their own businesses.
Last but not least, we would like to thank the Symposium patrons, the sponsors, and all the members of the Symposium Committee for their valuable contributions to the organization of this international event.
We are looking forward to meeting you individually in “Bella Italia” for SURF 2022!”
Maurizio Crispino, Ph.D., P.E.
Symposium Chair
Full Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Transportation Infrastructures and Geosciences
Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Massimo Simonini, Eng.
Symposium Co-Chair
Chief Executive Officer, and
General Manager of
ANAS (Italy)
- 12-14 Set 2022 @ Politecnico di Milano - Milão, Itália
- Website oficial