The workshop will present the results of seven years of investments in research and innovation towards smart, green and integrated waterborne transport, which took place in the framework of Horizon 2020.
Continuar a lerCluster 5 – Climate, Energy & Mobility Horizon Europe Info Day @ 3 Fev 22
The info-day for the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 will provide an opportunity for prospective applicants to learn more about the funding of the new programme.
Continuar a lerJoost Vantomme takes over from Jacob Bangsgaard as ERTICO CEO
Joost has been in the smart mobility sector for some time, more recently as Smart Mobility Director of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) and previously as Director of Public Affairs at FEBIAC.
Continuar a lerEuropean demonstrations offer new “angle” to reducing noise of arrival aircraft
Changing the angle of aircraft as they make their final descent towards an airport can potentially reduce significantly noise for the communities surrounding the airport. This is what French and Italian SESAR 3 JU members and partners recently put to the test during a series of large-scale live trials at Ciampino airport.
Continuar a lerOne-in-ten new cars in Western Europe were electric in 2021
The European car market has surged past expectations in 2021, with millions of new low and zero-carbon vehicles registered across Western Europe, according to the latest Schmidt Automotive Research report.
Continuar a lerDrive promotes intelligent traffic management at Ascendi
An innovative and safe system of Mobility Management is used in the operation and maintenance of road infrastructures.
Continuar a lerInclusive mobility: accessibility, (dis)ability and sustainability
Truly sustainable mobility is that which caters for everybody, ensuring nobody is left behind.
Continuar a lerSmart infrastructure: charging on the move
Just how “smart” can road infrastructure become? Quite a lot more, if two experts’ opinions are anything to go by.
Continuar a lerRepsol investe 42 milhões de euros em 610 pontos de carregamento
Este investimento está alinhado com o objetivo da Repsol de alcançar os 1.000 pontos de carregamento elétricos na rede pública até o final de 2022, disponibilizando o maior número de pontos de carregamento aos seus clientes na Península Ibérica, e de ser uma empresa neutra em carbono até 2050.
Continuar a lerCARRIS certificada em Segurança Rodoviária
O Sistema de Gestão de Segurança Rodoviária da CARRIS obteve a certificação, de acordo com a Norma NP ISO 39001:2017, tornando a empresa de transporte público rodoviário de passageiros de Lisboa no primeiro operador nacional a ver reconhecidas as suas boas práticas de gestão neste domínio.
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